School Board Committees

To view minutes of school board meetings, budget information, and to view notices and minutes of other school related committees, view the Agendas & Minutes link on this page.

School Board Committees

Budget Committee: All Board Members

Advisory Budget Committee: Kathy Garry

Athletic Committee: Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon & Pat Hart

Buildings and Grounds Committee: Eric Bernow & Pat Hart

Instructional Committee: Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon & Heidi Kremser

Personnel and Negotiations Committee: Kathy Garry & Eric Bernow

Policy Committee: Heidi Kremser & Pat Hart

Transportation and Insurance Committee: Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon, Eric Bernow & Bus Co. Rep.

Technology Committee: Heidi Kremser & Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon

Wellness Committee: Heidi Kremser

Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee: Heidi Kremser & Lauren Lavoie Sturgeon